First shoot at Be Electric: Tee ShotMe | MBM

In the process of our build out our intern Tee Anderson (Tee ShotMe) decided to do an impromptu promotional video shoot for singer/songwriter Leaf. Tee directed a team of 5 talented young women to promote Leaf’s street wear & lifestyle brand MBM (Magnet Bitch Movement). MBM is all about uplifting young women from diverse cultural backgrounds. It’s about the power to attract and obtain whatever you desire be it negative or positive. The women who participated in this shoot are all unique but share a common bond. MBM is all about creating examples for young women who feel as though following the status quo isn't for them. They promote leadership, equality, and acceptance of all young women no matter their past or present. Women of MBM come together to help each other build within their careers and spiritual life, as well as helping to build solid foundations for diverse lifestyles. 

Be Electric :: An affordable video, and photo studio Brooklyn, NYC. We are a full service studio with equipment included and many amenities. Check out our site today. 

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